Tuesday 13 May 2014

Points of Correction: Get this once & for all!

Hey people.

So this is me, getting pretty much fed-up with all these misconceptions folks have made a habit of proudly flaunting in recent times. Some records need to be set straight and the scriptures are my rule.

People can label this whatever, yeah? All i know is, it's about that time believers and non-believers alike got a wake up call. I won't keep acting like this isn't irritating me.
Because it is.

So the world now looks at my life (as well as other Christians') and decide they have a right to call me names and act like I'm the one who needs a heads-up on what's what? Lol. Very funny.

1.) I'm not the one who's strange because i show love. If hate was so desirable why is it so infamous? Why is it that in the movies and cartoons, the ones who are bitter and malicious and vile never win?
I mean if hate were supposed to be the fad, the hero ought to be inferior to the villain. Now would you rather i treat folks like scum and sabotage lives with my hate, just for fun? Should i crush you thorough and spit you out - like you were chewing gum? Love became my nature when i became born again; sharing it brings me joy & happiness...and happy folks rarely go insane.

2.) I'm not the one who's strange because i forgive. I know it makes you feel wierd but i'm sure you'll live. According to scripture, i'm probably heaping hot coals on your head when i choose to overlook your offence and show you kindness instead. You think you've right to harbor your grievances and fury, i think not. If Christ chose to only view our mess-ups, there'd never have been any sacrifice on a cross. You keep thinking it's for the next person, but you're so wrong. Whether you forgive or not, the world still turns.

3.) I'm not the one who's strange because i don't wear cobwebs. Why must i add to the ample variety of nudes on the world wide web? It makes little sense to me because I've come to understand that my beauty isn't located in my booty and me coming of age isn't synonymous with 'more cleavage'. Sure i can be stylish, and of course i love to look nice. But i would rather have a man who places the most value on the me inside. If my security were found in people's ogling & lusty looks of men, it would only yield grief to my heavenly father...and maybe a couple 'unexpected' children. Too bad if you think a hot body to be the center of the universe; honey we were all made from dust...and that stuff is EVERYWHERE!

4.) I'm not the one who's strange because i consider vulgarity a
'big deal'. I don't see why you release 'Sh**' from the same place where you put your meals. I've never seen an award given for being foul mouthed. It doesn't increase my value, it doesn't make folks want you; so the infatuation with talking nasty is rather pathetic. If you must speak of sex all the time, do it with your husband or wife. You both can choose to get married and make that the center of your life! But please don't belittle God's gift to the married with the crude 'F' term, because sex is more than a mere translocation of sperm! Don't use that term to greet me and you better not even swear...i wonder why it's that which is most worthless we now hold dear.

5.) I'm not the one who's strange because i show respect. Newsflash,
being rude is stupid and doesn't get anyone ahead. My parents, teachers or colleagues may not be perfect alright, but they sure have the right to be able to hold their heads high rather than cry to sleep at night. Mean jokes and comments made at the cost of others knights you a misuser of breath; they do NOT make you fresher but prove you have no depth! Nobody deserves to be a dart board for insensitivity, if your tongue cannot be tamed i suggest you shred it, please.

6.) I'm not the one who's strange because i am content. Lifestyles of mediocrity and gratitude are two separate events. I am not satisfied with average yet don't live to chase ambitions...because in the end, we're all here but for a season. As for my looks, they're at their very peak! The master creator crafted me, what other assurance should i seek? What God deemed fit He bestowed on me; so just as black is beautiful and white is serene, i trust Him to shape this biological container in whatever way He'd please. I never sat beside Him to supervise my creation, yet i turned out all right; form, shape and proportions. It's pure insolence to think creams, paint and surgeons can improve upon that which is already stamped perfection. If at anytime i get dissatisfied with what some mirror shows me, it's comforting to know my exterior's always secondary. So i will care for that which I have been given and give thanks in all, because if a mess-up the little, why should i get more?

7.) I'm not the one who's strange because i speak out against sin.
What displeases God should be done with - throw it in the bin! He gave us freewill to choose life - not so we can trouble Him - and the chances of knowing better than the 'ALL-KNOWING' are very slim. 'You can't eat your cake and have it' or so the saying goes; yet we push God to the curb and pray to escape eternal death-row. I would laugh at the foolishness of man - but this is serious, and the worst is each time we sin we're brutally hurting Jesus. To make it simple, sin is whatever God hates and would not want; i love Him so I'll EVER say it as it is - like it or not!

8.) I'm not the one who's strange because i do not have a boyfriend. Especially since these days there's little friendship and lots of sex in the end. I'm not saying they're all that way but there is a high percentage and believe it or not, i see my virginity and purity as an advantage. Relationships are best with a good foundation and a purpose; the former must be Jesus before marriage can get close. I'd love to look into his eyes for as long as i can afford and walk by his side while listening to sweet words. I imagine we'd be cute and i would giggle, laugh and blush; but the difference between artwork and a masterpiece's in the painter...not the brush. So if my motives are all wrong, and mere romance is all i lust, i may invest my time and energy into something that will only end up flushed.

9.) I'm not the one who's strange because i always rep. Christ! Everything on earth is His, so my service is His right! I can't claim to be sold out when i keep holding back my talents. If i'm not writing, singing or rapping for Him...i might as well be silent. There are no two ways about it, Christ must be everything if it's Him I claim to serve. But if even one eye's still on the fans, fame and money...it'd be best i just swerve.

10.) I'm not the one who's strange because i have made faith my lifestyle. You're the wierdo if you're still limited to the physical. There's much more depth to life than all we access with our shallow senses and if physical matters cause excitement, the spiritual should leave us frenzied. That which is not seen is the greatest reality we actually live in; greater than the people we touch and all the places we've ever been. This would all appear fascinating gibberish if to you the gospel of Christ were foreign, but it is the saddest sight to see those re-born by faith, still logicalizing everything. There's no expression of trusting faith if I'm still struggling to hold the controls, i can only rely on God's promises and be at peace when i LET GO.

This should do. For now.
Like i said, just needed to set the records straight.

xxx, Kwiksie.


  1. The truth is Kwiksie like the Bible says we are not of this world, people who are not believers will never understand why we do what we do and even some so called christians who just want the good side of the gospel not wanting to take the hard side wont understand why your living your life the way you are...2 Timothy 3 vs 12- Infact everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ will be persecuted. And other verses all over the new testament warning us as christians about this. But you should take comfort in this your not alone, your not the only one living a Godly life, even thos you cant see them. And thats why Jesus called us the light of the world and the salt of the earth, we are supposed to be diiferent from the rest of the world thats what attarcts people to him and not everyone will be attracted for sure but nonetheless your still bringing glory to God and thats the most important thing....The bible says the world hasnt seen God but they will know he lives by the way you love eachother. It can be really difficult,no doubt but just take encouragement in this that your not alone in the struggle and this is what you were created for, to be a light in this crooked and depraved generation. Love and miss you loads...xoxo

    1. Thanks Sophia. Oh i am definitely encouraged by his word...it's not even a struggle anymore, it's become nature.
      Hope my bros and sisters - within and without the faith - wake up to the truth real soon.
      Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. what we wear does not define us but what we speak tells more about us. So if anyone so decides to gaze and be a fool rather than listen and be wise then he or she has missed it

  3. Agreed. However most times we believers tend to use that line to excuse unnecessary habits we form. Philippians 4:5 says we should let our moderation be known to all. What's the point of speaking one thing if i deliberately choose to be a distraction by my clothing? What is the purpose? Will my revealing extra skin make it easier for someone to recieve the gospel (which is supposed to be my ultimate purpose?).
    It's one thing to claim complete surrender and submission to the will of God, but if we refuse to put aside those preferences of the flesh which we cling to stubbornly, for the sake of Christ, we are no better than those who neither believe nor profess the gospel.
    Paul said we should refrain from doing that which coukd lead our brothers to sin. We ought to be our brothers' keeper y'know. Someone out there might be struggling with his lusts and trying to renew his mind. What's the essence of him giving up his old life and trying to purify his mind with the word of God, only to have his senses be mercilessly assaulted by his sisters in the faith who decide it's his problem if he can't deal with their extra tiny skirts and over tight jeans and low-cut blouses?
    We must remember to align our thinking with Christ's. Think: "This habit, does it edify? Is it helping me share Christ's love better?" If the answer is no, it's a habit best given up.
    :) Thaks for reading and commenting.

  4. Kwiksie,you couldn't have said it better!...i'm always sooo pleased with you,baby. keep it up,you're a star. Loove you!xo

    1. Thanks so much sweets! Appreciate the encouragement immensely!
      Miss you though...;) <3 & love you back.

  5. Let's even call it weird. I'm Weird to the world if i do all these things? Then, fine by me. I love being weird then! Nice one Kwiksie!

    1. Thanks buddy. I know right? The coolest wierdos ever - that 'is' us!

  6. If being what God says be is weird, then weird is good. Anyone else had better join in.... Good one Kwiksie...

    1. Got that right. Thanks OPM! ;) Ho'pe you've been good.

  7. You nailed it. God bless you!

  8. Wow! This is sooo rightly and humorously said.....it got me giggling and I'm sharing. Good one dear.

    1. Am i glad you enjoyed it! :) Thanks so much for sharing, bless you.


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