Tuesday 14 May 2013

They come and they go...

Hiiiii people! Wow, it feels like it's been ages...well, i guess it actually has been.

Happy new month to you all, i hope you've been doing very well. There's soooo much to update you on and it's been really tough not being able to put anything on here, for reason of the many activities i've been occupied with of recent, and also the very untrustworthy internet access in my school. #yimu

Anyway, God has been faithful all the same. He's kept me (and all you amazing individuals reading) alive and well till this month and that's more than enough to be thankful for; because we tend to take for granted how often things happen and we could have easily ended up as victim whom that unfortunate thing happened to. For instance, just on Monday i got news of the death of this person i knew and the blow was so very heavy. You know how most times when we lose people, especially those known to some degree, we tend to get this reality flash on just how unpredictable this life could be. I mean, barely two weeks ago i was bugging this guy about my ipod and before that we had this juvenile argument about littering, and the next thing...he's gone.
The customary "I shoulda done", "if only i had", "i wish i knew" thoughts took residence in my head for about two days and it was really depressing, but it has also reminded me of the fact that life is waaaay too short to squander on things of a daft nature or to spend procrastinating. For example, times we argue, or hold grudges, or procrastine doing something nice and thoughtful for that one person, going on that diet, cleaning out your fridge, going to visit the family, proposing to that girl, spending time with your children, reaching out in love to that lost soul, whatever it is! Just do it NOW and do it well cus tomorrow might prove to be a cruel sly and nobody likes to be left with nothing but the question..."Why?" At least I know i don't....

God has been my comfort though and just today, i watched this beautiful video by a P4CM poet, 'Jackie Hill' that helped me put alot of things into perspective. Been trying to upload the video but it's semi-impossible so i'll try to put up the link on my next post or something.
Stay safe people...

xxx, Kwiksie.

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