Wednesday 8 October 2014

"The Woman I Want To Be" series (6)

 ™ The woman who is more beautiful on the inside than out.

Just as you, Lord, who is in me is greater than he that is in the world; likewise the beauty of my inner man – the real man – is of a thousand times more value than my outward casing on this earth. From your word, I have no doubt that I am beautifully and wonderfully made and since you do nothing in half measures, I know that beauty and wonder covers every aspect of my being – within and without. I appreciate you for taking the time to fashion me to perfection and I’m grateful that I am easy on the eyes. But let me not for one second, mislead anyone by my interests, speech or actions, into thinking that this temporary shell is a better representation of beauty than the heart and spirit which ought to mirror your perfection! Better yet, may I be a sharp contrast to one whose pride and confidence lies in her ability to manipulate situations and people by her looks and let it be evident to all that I place a lifetime of greater worth on infusing my insides with so much generosity, grace, and (most attractive) Christ-like love, that my entire being is naturally saturated with a blinding and appealing glow of loveliness.

I am not defined by my mirror’s reflection, but by that which my heart reflects.

An attractive body and pretty/handsome faces are nice things to have but are of little value. That which truly matters is a heart which exudes Christ's love endlessly. Nothing is more beautiful.
A common recommendation you might hear regularly or have heard before is; "Be your own kind of beautiful", and i'm guessing it's probably trying to emphasize on you being comfortable in your uniqueness and not trying to clone the next guy. But you know the recommendation that i believe beats that hands-down? This one:

xxx, Kwiksie~


  1. Lovely. Keep motivating the women-folk around the globe. Cheers Kwiksie :)

  2. Thank you so much Emeka! God bless you!! <3 :*


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