Hi there. What's going on with you? This has been one loooong October though, i've got to be honest(but God has steady been making it every bit as awesome as it has been long for me sha. ^_^).
I hope you've all been doing great. I just thought i'd share this one poem. It's a pretty old piece i was inspired to write early this year....
See sometimes yeah, i tend to complain. A lot.
I know, it might look like not-so-big-a-deal but if it's a really inconvenient 'little-deal' situation, and i've been having numerous instances of such 'situations' in close proximity, then yeah, I'll whine. I go running to God with a variety of 'why's' just jumping off my tongue and the funny thing is, i ought to KNOW better. Right?
Yet half the time i'm simply AMAZED at how it's almost like the easiest thing on earth to pin point each and every annoying disruption to my anticipated 'smooth' day and relay them to every ear that cares to listen (and even the ones that do not).
I hope you've all been doing great. I just thought i'd share this one poem. It's a pretty old piece i was inspired to write early this year....
See sometimes yeah, i tend to complain. A lot.
I know, it might look like not-so-big-a-deal but if it's a really inconvenient 'little-deal' situation, and i've been having numerous instances of such 'situations' in close proximity, then yeah, I'll whine. I go running to God with a variety of 'why's' just jumping off my tongue and the funny thing is, i ought to KNOW better. Right?
Yet half the time i'm simply AMAZED at how it's almost like the easiest thing on earth to pin point each and every annoying disruption to my anticipated 'smooth' day and relay them to every ear that cares to listen (and even the ones that do not).
It's rather disgusting.
Even I don't feel so proud when i'm done more than half the time. But you know what's really sad? The way we (because i'm pretty sure i'm not a one-man band in this act)so easily let one or two petty situations (or even an avalanche of depressing circumstances) COMPLETELY take our focuses off all of the many wonderful things there are to 'wipe that frown off' over. SO FRIGGIN' MANY! o_0
Sometimes i catch myself (more like the Holy Spirit quacks me though) and ponder on just how big a mess every one of us would be in if God didn't bother to intervene in our lives on a per-second basis. Just imagine. Try.
I mean, sure i'm allowed to get irritated and upset about some things, i'm pretty sure i'm even allowed to share what's hurting me with someone, run to my heavenly dad and cry out to Him; all that is cool! Where the problem lies is in the dwelling on the source of anger/annoyance/frustration/irritation/vexation...(you get the message). It never, EVER helps telling folks over and over and over what who did and how it's really got you in a rage and blah blah blah; then we come with the pretty much empty threats or the 'if-onlies' we know won't be happening anytime soon, etc.
Sound familiar anyone? Well I should know. I was guilty of all this only yesterday. And no it is NOT a braggin' point. -_-
That's kind of why it's so fresh in my memory and i thought of the poem because I can tell you one thing with all certainty, when I managed to get my big mouth shut and just asked God to calm me and put all that was bugging me totally in his care, GBAM! That was it (plus one or two really deep breaths and a heavy meal. #wink). But really though, i think the biggest problem lies in the way we over emphasize the problem and simply keep yakking about it like that ever got anything fixed. I mean really!
Fact remains, bad things may happen to us, around us and all, but there are people living who've gone through much worse. People who are still living despite the greater nightmares they've had to face in their lifetime. None of that comes to mind when we're feeling sorry for ourselves---but it should. So that we learn to stay grateful. And keep things in their proper perspective.
If there were no God, if Jesus NEVER came, if there wasn't salvation and redemption and all the wonderful mercies we enjoy now as a result of God's unlimited grace and eternal sacrifice...all the stuff that happens and seems really tragic, would be nothing more than a walk in the park compared to what it could be...
Let's just remember that.
Here's the poem:
Without You
Let's just remember that.
Here's the poem:
Without You
the loneliness and desolation, the hunger that’s feeding a whole nation.
cries of the aged one, the silence of the still born.
tolerance of hate and the incessant fighting.
the wrong and the cruel, the folly obedient mule.
the welcome of bedlam and the art of being inhuman.
the rape of the truth and discernment’s absence.
distortion of what’s honest, the diversion of the relevant.
the sound of death and they who live in it.
weighty emptiness, the feeling of numbness.
the worst thing imaginable, what we have brought upon us
we mete out irreverence to you in whom love we can trust.
this is the Good News…there will Always be you.
There'll always be pain.
There'll always be suffering.
And there'll always be Jesus.
Stay blessed all!
There'll always be suffering.
And there'll always be Jesus.
Stay blessed all!
xxx, kwiksie.