Tuesday, 29 January 2013

What's Not To Give?!

Wonderful people! You've been missed. Happy 2013 to you all (i'm sorry it's reaching you this late though.)
This has been one of my best year-beginnings ever and i've got God to thank for that. There's just too much to be happy about and it just keeps getting better and better and better...:D

Now of recent, i've observed how our minds are too often tuned to 'self' by default. On meeting up with some friends this new year, the most frequent lines in our first few conversations testify to this truth. "Look what I got for Christmas." ; "What did you  bring for us?" ; "Have you gotten the latest iPad mini?" ; "What's your boyfriend going to give you on your birthday?". It doesn't end.

Now don't get me wrong, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with getting. Nothing at all, I love getting myself! But what's worrying AND saddening, is when the 'appreciating' reduces and the giving on our own part is almost non-existent.

Wherever you are sitting right this minute i'm certain you can count off on all your 10 fingers some things you've done nothing whatsoever to get or receive that you've been given anyway; either from God or man. Wanna bet? There's your life for starters, the oxygen you're inhaling, your ability to read this sentence AND understand it too, the internet was created without you having to slave at some desk wasn't it? I don't need to list anything out to be honest, you can figure them all out yourself...and we both know there are tons more don't we? Exactly!

In the same vein, I think it would be nice if we inculcated the giving habit into our subconscious and simultaneously got rid of the self-ish and wasteful ones. The very thing I might junk disdainfully cus maybe I've got access to something better is probably the very thing someone else yearns for at that precise point in time. And another thing, sacrifice isn't such a bad thing to make so i'm about to increase it's frequency in my life. Sacrifice a little 'Me' time for someone who needs encouragement, sacrifice a little sleep and pray for those sick, in need, in disaster struck regions, wherever.

But most importantly, we must keep in mind that there's someone to be thanked. No matter how 'bad' things might seem to get, if He'd let what we deserve happen to us, we won't even survive to complain about it.

So as I appreciate God (Psalm 100) for His unrestrained love, i'll keep in mind to equally share it as frequently as i possibly can. Because to whom much is given...much is expected.
Enjoy the rest of the month folks. xxx

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