Saturday 12 July 2014

The "There Must Be Something They're Doing Right" Project

Hi people. It's been quite some time. Hope all's been well with y'all though.

Alright so there's this project i started working on towards the end of last semester . I'm not going to display the whole thing but i just thought the concept of the project might be worth mentioning to someone out there.
We all know (or should know) that forgiveness is a deliberate & conscious act but one that goes completely against our natures of sin (ex-natures for those of us in Christ though #wink). In the flesh, we love to pile up our grieviances and the offences committed against us all the time. Sometimes, we even do it unconsciously. Some do it to feed the malice and bitterness they choose to hold, others may store it simply to bring those wrongs & mistakes back up in the person's face to condemn them(even when they may have repented and tried to change), & then some just do it to get folks to feel sorry for them & take their side.

In one of the courses I take at the university, we’re taught about the general nature of conflict and misunderstandings which inevitably arise amongst human beings in any given society. As expected, if we differ, there will most certainly be contrasts in views, opinions and patterns of behavior. Thankfully, I now have better understanding of some of the basics which make it possible to successfully accommodate differences. I've also learnt to better control my emotions and tongue; you see, these two need to be thoroughly mastered in order to develop better inter-personal relationships with others.

So, to further aid me in forgiving + forgetting offences or hurtful things done to me, I was led to put together a list of a group of people I relate the most with when school's in session and list out ten things about each of them that i admire or appreciate. The point is, when i keep reminding myself of the things i love about them & constantly think on those things...i won't have time to store anger or resentment even when they hurt me. So this list will help:

 To serve as a reminder to my heart and spirit, whenever there's a threat of hindrance to the expression of Christ’ love, that even I may be one of the most difficult people to love and yet Jesus made it look so easy with the evident willingness He used to sacrifice Himself for undeserving me.

 To help me keep in mind at ALL times that no matter how much ‘bad’ a person may choose to constantly display, it does not absolutely render the good in them non-existent.

 To serve as an encourager to do what is right (no matter how inconvenient or annoying) when I feel too exasperated to respond to behaviors or situations in a manner that would most please Christ and severely displease my flesh.

 To serve as a faith booster, reminding me that if 10 appealing things can be found in each individual, then there must be a treasure of lots more, only requiring my sincere love and patience to reveal.

 Lastly, to help me keep in mind that my job as an espouser of Christ’ selfless love, is to search for the best in all God’s creation and keep watering that best with love, faith and prayer till it becomes all that’s left of the individual.

Love, like forgiveness, is a conscious choice and when we truly walk in Christlike love...forgiveness becomes easier. So, I choose to love people. Be they people at my university, my family, distant relatives, church folks, haters, critics, friends, ex-friends, those i am yet to meet - anyone! Christs' love has been shed abroad in my heart see. Bottom line, it will be most dishonest if I claim to love Him, whom I have not seen, when I am unable to love my brother/brethren, whom I do see.

Get it? :)
So please, let's enjoy life and sincerely express His love as often as we can. It's really easy to feel everyone else deserves to be hated or forever unforgiven for some thing they might have done before (or still do); but really, deep down, none of us are any better. Jesus is the one who makes all the difference remember? ;)

xxx, Kwiksie.~

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