Friday 2 August 2013

Key Words: F.A.I.T.H & T.R.U.S.T

Hi people! What's been going on? Any milestones to celebrate? Any testimonies to be thankful for? Any challenges recently dealt with or in the process of being overcome??? Come on, there's got to be something!

Well i'm sure they ARE there--somewhere. We just need to look a little harder... :)

I've been splendid though (thank you for asking). Oh sure, there have been a great many challenges, hurdles yet to be jumped and what not. But the good thing is, i know who's got my back sooo...Hakunamatata! #lionkingmoment, sorry. ;)

Anyway, this past week, i've had about a gazillion and five things on my mind and the count is still on! You know it doesn't necessarily take a whole lot to get your head to explode. There's the goings on around the world, my government, friends i should but haven't called, people i owe visits, money i need (which appears to be scarce..on the surface), my country, challenges other loved ones are facing, situations that need to be prayed for, family matters, personal life, time i'm yet to invest in perfecting my guitar playing, Spiritual growth, preparations for my future, where am i going, blah blah blah blah---STOP!

Sometimes we need to sit back, tell our overzealous thought processes to shut self up and PRAY! A much more soothing, useful and result generating process dontchu think?

Remember the scripture, Matthew 6:33? Anyone? That's right, it says: "Seek first [Be concerned above all else with] God’s kingdom and ·what God wants [his righteousness]. Then all ·your other needs will be met as well [these things will be given to you].

What does 'all' mean here? The same thing ALL signifies in any context in which it is used pal! Everything. Lacking nothing. Complete. Whole. Perfect. ALL!!!

If we actually go up to verse 25 of this same chapter, we'll discover that Jesus was actually warning His disciples in earnest against being overly bothered about and having disquieting, distrustful, distracting cares about things of the world (which is a pretty bad hint that you're waaaay into so much perishable-earth junk, that you've completely lost your heart to it and forgotten where the REAL treasures are at!) Pretty sad huh?

Matthew 6:25-
"Therefore I say unto you, be not careful for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink: nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more worth than meat? and the body than raiment?"

Remember what God is forbidding here? The THOUGHT!
Disquieting ones, hurrying the mind and disturbing our joy in God.
Distrustful, unbelieving ones, springing from doubt in God's unshaking promises to care for and watch over us.

And the sequence is, HIM FIRST and then everything else tags along.
The money, fees for tuition, that new car, a great, Jesus crazed guy who won't hurt you like the others, a child, twins, quinteplets even, a new house, a born again Spouse, new ideas, fresh inspiration, a different job, a different boss, a happy life, a life that completely honors God, a more seasoned tongue, a generous spirit, better grades, more business, no more nightmares, peace of mind, provision, good health---ALL THESE THINGS SHALL BE ADDED UNTO YOU!

After you seek Him.

No one is saying be unconcerned about everything. Just take instead, everything that concerns you and lay them at His feet. Trusting unwaveringly that He will never, EVER let you down. 

Hebrews 11:6-
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

Key word: Faith. Synonym: Trust. Antonyms: Doubt, Fear, Worry.

Stay blessed people, and whatever you do, DON'T WORRY!
xxx, kwiksie~

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