Friday 8 August 2014

'The Woman I Want To Be' series (2)

The woman whose speech is seasoned with salt.

 The power of life and death are in the tongue. I have chosen and received life unending from my savior, Christ Jesus. Lord, a major task you have given unto humanity by placing the same power you have in your tongue in ours’, is us choosing how we use it. Because I am responsible for how I make use of all you have placed at my disposal, as well as all my actions, I determine only to use this tongue to give the same life I have been freely given. For both the tongue and the life I use it to impart are given by you, thus I must use them as you demand. I want my every word to be subject to the new man – the Spirit man – and my every thought to spring forth from a renewed mind.

i.e, i will not hurt others for my amusement, nor respond to wrongs done to me with verbal mutilation, slander and the like. The grace i have is suffecient to speak with wisdom and discretion at any point in time, and i trust you to give me the words most apt in any given situation...even if those words turn out to be silence. Whether in praise or rebuke, I will put my tongue to God pleasing use.

I do not use my words to destroy because You use your word to create.

Practice makes better. The more we apply ourselves to such a committment, the better we get at keeping it. ;)
Have an amazing weekend all.
xxx, Kwiksie~

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