Sunday, 31 August 2014

"The Woman I Want To Be" series (5)

 The woman who is sensitive to the needs of others.
  We are instructed in 1 Peter 5:7 to cast all our cares upon you because you care for us. I want to be able to truthfully say I care for others just like you do Father. Let me live out the evidence of my love for you by taking active measures to feed your sheep as well as attend to those yet to become members of the fold. I refuse to be a self-centered, self-serving, self-absorbed waste of your creative energy. I refuse to lay the negative example of seeking to satisfy my wants and what I assume are needs, prior to doing what you desire. Use me as your instrument of encouragement, replenishment and healing, that my arms may ever be open to those you send to me and my heart ever unbiased to attend to them effectively. Let me make conscious effort to prioritize the well-being of your creations over my comfort and convenience and let me not turn away any person whom you have put me in the position to help.

I see humanity the way You do and do all I can to get them closer to fathoming your love.

I can say that this was probably one of the toughest for me...but then, that's why i'm not doing it on my own. I've met folks who feel insulted when you try to help them, and then there are others who have so many trust issues that any gesture just has to have an ulterior motive. Some imagine they can take advantage of you and make you their doormats while some others want to be spoon-fed till their old and gray.

And i could go on and on....

For awhile, i really struggled with trying to figure out how to handle each situation in the best way possible. Problem was, i had no idea what the best way was. Now though, thanks to a better understanding of God's word, i've realised there's always an answer in scripture with directives on how to respond to some tight situations where you're torn between being a 'good Christian' and just getting yourself frustrated. There are several occasions where a thorough analysis of the situation and careful plotting of an appropriate reaction doesn't help none. Just let Him lead you. Whether you're clueless or feel you can handle it yourself. My recommendation is that we just get into the word. Get in deep until we know it on a sub-conscious level so that when some cases arise and we're not-so-sure how to handle it, all the Holy Spirit need do is remind us of the things already buried in our hearts and give us guidance on how to apply them to the situation.

Well, i hope the series so far has been an encourager and blessing to someone. I might not complete it till October though, for variety sake. ;)
Anyway, I totally look forward to an amazing September with you all. Peace! :D

xxx, Kwiksie.~

Saturday, 30 August 2014

'The Woman I Want To Be' series (4)

     The woman who walks in humility and obedience.

     I know that amongst the things you detest Lord, are haughty eyes and an arrogant spirit. I also am aware that you’d rather I act in obedience than perform a string of sanctimonious acts of a sacrificial fashion. Not that a sacrificial nature is wrong, but that it does not impress you when expressed in contradiction to your word and will. I get that. I aim to be characterized by humility; known for one having a teachable heart. In all my knowing, may I never assume the attitude of one who thinks she knows it all and may I never let pride, conceit or self-deceit hinder me from attaining instruction from others, be they of any age, race, background or skill. Most especially Father, may I never assume your place in my life by trying to lead myself. Let me be extra-sensitive to your voice and empowered with the grace to obey your every instruction – unquestioningly, wholeheartedly and without any iota of doubt.

I submit myself to and yield to your will Lord God…just as Christ did.

xxx, Kwiksie.~

Thursday, 21 August 2014

It's Free...for now.

You’ve been disappointed
But i wasn't the one to deal you a bad hand.
Talk to your expectations about that.
Way too much pressure
Beneath which i was barely able to stand.
What do you take me for?
Is my breath an extension of yours'?
My life now your pawn?
Can't be.

Do what you want

Just don’t expect it from me.
Because unlike you,
I don't require return on everything I give.
It would be too ironic
For 'freely' are they claimed to be released.
Yet are they really?
Or do you yet play the jester?

Cloaking a habit known, the spirit, to vex
Beneath plastic smiles and tinkering laughter.
It is a recipe for offence
And many a downturn of the lips.
Is your kindness no more a gift?
Or has it been loaned in expectation of returns?
If your generosity is never for keeps
Why expect the goodwill to last at my turn?

Far reaching it is
To seek that from another
That which is yet foggy to you.

There's but One who is certain

Of every aspect of the future.
If we are both students
Why must you seek i teach you?
I may not promise you gifts tomorrow
For the furture cannot be purchased.
All i do have for you right now is love
Originated from its origin.

Yet if in the end
I shed it abroad simply to enable me glean
Think you not my motives already polluted
Before they became an action?

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

'The Woman I Want to Be' series (3)

     The woman who is unashamed.
I seek to express myself as one possessing a heart emboldened by the truth you are and a spine firmed by your unshaking and infallible nature. I am your ambassador and I am fully patriotic to the Kingdom I represent. Let all who see me, interact with me, read of me or hear about me, be instantly hit with the force of my divine boldness in relation to any matter pertaining to you. I choose to be so thoroughly grounded in an undiluted, unadulterated knowledge of you that whenever I speak or minister – via any available platform - I do so by your prompting and with exceeding confidence. Let me be one who never wavers or decreases in my expression of passionate service to you as a result of any pressure or persecution, pleasure or pain, and whatever else may try to cause me to sway.

I am unashamed of the gospel of Christ, because it is the power of God unto salvation...

On a regular basis, many of us will come across a variety of thoroughly intelligent and exposed individuals who will boldly and blatantly belittle, criticize, negate, contradict and fault the gospel of truth and our Savior, Christ Jesus, himself. The key is not to be quarrelsome, antagonistic or overly emotional when such occurs. There's also no need to go on the defensive, God can defend himself. What is required of anyone who professes to be made righteous by grace, is that we stand up to each and every challenge as led to. Sometimes words may be necessary, and sometimes they won't be; the bottom line is, God needs to have children who are no longer shy to speak of Him or be associated with Him. When it comes to making our stand known, standing for the truth that is Christ, and glorifying our Father in heaven...may whispering tongues, feelings of intimidation, cowardice and fear remian FAR from us all.

xxx, Kwiksie~

Friday, 8 August 2014

'The Woman I Want To Be' series (2)

The woman whose speech is seasoned with salt.

 The power of life and death are in the tongue. I have chosen and received life unending from my savior, Christ Jesus. Lord, a major task you have given unto humanity by placing the same power you have in your tongue in ours’, is us choosing how we use it. Because I am responsible for how I make use of all you have placed at my disposal, as well as all my actions, I determine only to use this tongue to give the same life I have been freely given. For both the tongue and the life I use it to impart are given by you, thus I must use them as you demand. I want my every word to be subject to the new man – the Spirit man – and my every thought to spring forth from a renewed mind.

i.e, i will not hurt others for my amusement, nor respond to wrongs done to me with verbal mutilation, slander and the like. The grace i have is suffecient to speak with wisdom and discretion at any point in time, and i trust you to give me the words most apt in any given situation...even if those words turn out to be silence. Whether in praise or rebuke, I will put my tongue to God pleasing use.

I do not use my words to destroy because You use your word to create.

Practice makes better. The more we apply ourselves to such a committment, the better we get at keeping it. ;)
Have an amazing weekend all.
xxx, Kwiksie~

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

The 'The Woman I Want To Be' series.

When I was a child, I acted accordingly. Now I am grown (growing), I have put childish ways behind me. Dear God, we both know I am and would be nothing outside of your love. I don't take for granted the sacrifice you willingly made for me and wholeheartedly desire to be daily shaped into the women you had in mind when you thought of me; long before this earth’s beginning.I am twenty older now and aware time is not one to pause. I am also fully in the know that you have placed me in this earth, in this country, in this generation and in this frame of time for a distinct cause. I just want to fulfill it Lord. I desire to be so in sync with your desires, that my entire life becomes merely an extension of your heart.

This is the woman I choose to be. This is the woman i am.

This entire series is basically a reminder to myself really, of the things i value and the principles by which my living is (or should be) guided. From the time i thought of penning this down i had an inkling i was going to be sharing it eventually so that's why i'm doing this. :) I completed it awhile ago though but just never got around to putting it up here.
By description, this is basically a 12-point write up on a list of qualities and behavior traits i desire to portray from this point-in-time in my life and onward. Yes i'm 'young' (whatever that really means though) but i'm not a little girl anymore who can live in some 'pretend-world' with thoughtless abandon.
No. No thanks.
So since young is definitely not synonymous with irresponsibility, wild folly or being careless about the future and the consequences of one's actions (although most of the media today would like us to think that), i figure it wouldn't hurt to have some scripture based knowledge and principles engraved into my system so they become a lifestyle in no time (instead of bad habits i need to toil to change later on). Thus i'm going to be posting each of them (maybe or maybe not in sequence) and if eventually there's anyone interested in recieving the entire PDF file (for ease of access or whatever), feel free to shoot me a mail - - and i'll be sure to get it to you as soon as i can. Please note that the format i wrote it in was more like a 'Letter to God' kind of thing; so all the 'Yous' you'll see all over the place are really aimed at Him. ^_^

Ok then. Here's #1:
 The woman whose pride and confidence lie in you. 
I do not want to derive assurance from fickle things of little consequence. I want to be an epitome of what the healthy self-image is – seeing one the way God does. Let my being unaffected by any negative, unwholesome, derogatory or biased opinions expressed by others never be as a result of arrogance or trust in any skills, gifts/talents, appearance or social and economic endowments that I might have. Instead, may my assuredness lie in the fact that I know how precious I am to you and that you are the most reliable person there is.
I am of value because by You I am valued.

And may we all remember that. <3

See you soon!
xxx, Kwiksie~